Friday, July 10, 2020

Thomas Acupuncture Clinic - 25th Anniversary / トーマス鍼灸院の25周年

(English below Japanese)

今月27日(2020/7/27) に25周年を迎えます。偶然を重なり、先日テレビ取材が入り、今月の25周年の記念日=27日(月曜日、当時大安だった)に21:00 からBSテレ東という放送局の「ワタシが日本に住む理由」その結果が放送されます。


On July 27 (Monday) this year (2020) I celebrate the 25th anniversary of opening my clinic. That day 25 years ago was chosen for it being an auspicious day (Buddh). By the most unlikely coincidence a little something about me is going to be broadcasted on precisely THAT day. I wonder if this will actually bring me luck …

I do not like to promote my clinic (or myself for that matter), but if you happen to watch TV on that evening (from 21:00 on BS channel 7), maybe you would like to take a look. (My wife told me to announce this publicly, if I do not want to draw the anger of patients by not calling their attention to this.