Thursday, March 5, 2015

Timeless – priceless

最近目にした治療に関する広告は例外なく何かの時間を指定して、そしてそれに相当する料金を記述する。例えば40分は6000円だ。使われる時間の単位は 通常「分」である。しかし、患者は果たして自分の悩みを「何分」で打ち明けることが出来るのか、または治療者は果たしてその何分以内患者を「診る」事出来るのか。
 手間味噌だろうが、私はそのような能力はない代わり、治療は終わるまで掛かる時間を指定しない。悩みの多い患者の場合治療時間当然長くなる。それに対し て何かのケチも付けない。そういう意味では私の治療は “timeless” (時間で計り知れない)であるからこそ “priceless” (お金で買えないほど非常に貴重)でもあるかもしれない。
現在実際の状況は異なっても、且つで日本の医療に強い影響を及ぼしたドイツで昔「外来診療」を “Sprechstunde” と言った。直訳では「話す時間」です。

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


 外人の癖お灸が好きだ何て可笑しいじゃないか、と思う人はきっと少なくない。だがお灸は長----い歴史を通して民間療法として大変良い成績を残してき た。つい最近まで(つまり前世紀の初め頃)患者、というよりもお灸をしたい人といえば良いしょうが、治療院に行って「灸点を降ろしてもらう」ことはお灸と言う民間療法の基本形だった。その後患者は自宅で自分の手でお灸を施した。医者の数もそれほどいなかったし、医療そのものは現在のレベルにまだ達していな かった。
 私は大変旧式な職業を営んでいるものですので、体調が不良の状態に傾いてしまい、あるいは特に問題がなくても予防のため自分にお灸する。もしかしたらそ れは「健康増進法」に寄り添っているかもしれない。歯医者に行くと朝晩に10~15分を掛けて丁寧に歯磨きしないと歯が皆腐ってしまう事が常識とよく言わ れる。それに比べて健康維持と予防のため一日一回足の三里にお灸するのは5分で終わる。

Monday, March 2, 2015


今日出版社からメールが来た。ドイツ国立図書館が2年前に私の本「トーマス先生の話を聞いてみませんか」が出版された( → =最初の項目)事に気付き、そちらのカタログに記録したい!


Sunday, March 1, 2015


モグサ = 艾
原材料 = 蓬 (よもぎ)


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Science mania may endanger medical care

Through a special form of blog, called "scoop-it" and timed, automatic Google searches, I frequently get links to articles written by "scientists"considered by those sources as possibly of interest to me. Most of those consider themselves "skeptics" and are proud of their "critical thinking". So they say.
One of the latest articles (I deleted it already) came to the absolutely scientific conclusion, that any effects acupuncture may possibly have in some people, MUST be 100% placebo effects and the elusive energy or whatever it is called "qi" (気) in oriental medicine simply does not exist. Wonderful.

Stupid as I am, I would like to voice some personal objections and challenge this "scientific truth" with a few observations and questions.

Let's start with something maybe even the scientists could be capable of understanding: the costs of medical care. Pretend the scientists are medical specialists. In that case I take the liberty of assuming they are familiar with the "HFA2000" project - already history. HFA2000 is an acronym for "Health for All by the year 2000", a project started by the WHO probably some time during the 1970s, I don't remember that part. The WHO also initiated a "RESEARCH" to find out, WHAT and HOW MUCH Western = scientific medicine can do. The conclusions were rather disappointing: scientific medicine is so expensive and technology dependent, it simply CAN NOT serve as a basis of health care for the human race as a whole. Only a small portion of mankind, the rich people in developed countries will ever be able to enjoy all that science stuff. For the majority of mankind LOCAL/TRADITIONAL forms of health care MUST be recruited, if medical care is to be provided at all!
The results of that particular study can be found in the book:
"Traditional Medicine and Health Care Coverage. a Reader for Health Administrators and Practitioners" by R. H. Bannerman
Publisher: World Health Organization
Publish Date: January 1983

Evidence (proof)
Our beloved scientists ALWAYS point out, partially correct, that there is little evidence for acupuncture in general and the concept of qi in particular. I agree with that. BUT ... where is that evidence supposed to come from, when nobody spends any kind of substantial money on research??? Unfortunately I do not have any figures available, but it is most likely not an overstatement when I assume, the figures related to the money spend on research on something that may GENERATE even more money, like drugs, is at least several orders of magnitude higher than for studies into traditional forms of medical care. It would be a great help, if those skeptic scientists could donate their pocket money to research into acupuncture and related things. Maybe we could see the desired results/evidence a little earlier.

Science - money.
There are plenty of reports out there, that the corporations conducting the "scientific" research are trying to protect their respective profits by suing companies/countries selling cheap "generic" drugs. All in the name of science of course. Maybe pharmaceutical giants are also afraid of acupuncture (for example), because it could endanger their revenue by providing treatment forms not controlled by the corporations.

Science - measurement
Now this is one of the holy grails in science. "Proof" usually means, that the scientist can MEASURE something and thus verify its existence.
If that is the case .. the history of science, or in a broader sense the history of mankind, is full of things that simply could not exist or be true, because nobody could see, understand or measure them. Right?
* Until the invention of the microscope, MICROORGANISMS did not exist. Right? Because they were not visible and measurable. About 200 years ago, they just popped out of nowhere and the plague in the 14th century happened only in the minds of a few derranged people.
* Similarly, electromagnetism did not exist until someone came up with a clever device to measure it. Funny, but without it, life would have never developed on earth!
* The ancient Greek thought, that matter should be composed of indivisible little units, they called "atoms". But that was just a fancy theory until quite recently. When the "real atoms" were finally detected and could be proven, mankind was almost exhilarated by reaching the "final frontier". However, shortly after the discovery of atoms, subatomic particles were found and both the theories and evidence about quantum mechanic "reality" suddenly run amok and there is a real danger, that "reality" may dissolve into something completely incomprehensible.
Naturally, it was considered no problem at all, that NOBODY could provide ANY PROOF for the existence of the "Higgs particle", supposed to be ABSOLUTELY necessary for modern physics. But considering "qi" necessary for the system of oriental medicine is "naturally" a completely different thing.
It took large numbers of the world's brightest physicists, astronomical amounts of money and incredibly large and complex facilities to prove the existence of the said Higgs particle. Has anybody every tried anything as elaborate in the search for "qi"? Naturally not!
Has anybody ever considered the possibility, that current science simply does not have adequate tools to measure this "qi" thing? Maybe it is something like electromagnetism in 12th century.

But ALL cultures throughout ALL ages share concepts, that are similar or related to "qi". According to the scientists, this must mean, mankind as a whole over the entire period of recorded history has been delusional and ONLY some selected scientists have been enlightened and know the universal scientific truth.

Since talking about "qi" in itself seems to be an act of heresy, let's also try something else.
How about love? Can you measure love? To the best of MY knowledge, there is no scientific = quantitative proof of love yet. Consequently, love does not exist. I am sure that is precisely, what the scientists are telling their parents, spouses, children, friends, pets ...
Or maybe they have come up with a new unit: ML = magnitude of love.
Then a husband may tell his wife, he loves her 3.759 ML. Wouldn't that be romantic? What happens when the wife demands 3.814 ML?
Anyway, I believe ALL people on this planet KNOW love. Meaning: love DOES exist. Regardless of age, sex, race, culture, education. Again, the entire human race MUST be crazy, because they cling to something that simply cannot exist, because it cannot be measured - there is no proof. Or has someone by now come up with "scientific evidence for love"?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015







Thursday, January 22, 2015








1    例の斜面。写真は然程良く分からないかもしれないが、上のボックスで斜面の砂が零れ落ちて穴が開いている事、したのボックスは足元に落ちら砂が溜まり、車のタイヤ跡がある。つまり、それ程斜面の近く行かない限り反対側で脱輪する。
2    同じ場所を横から撮った写真。その「斜面」=ぽろぽろの砂はほぼ垂直になっている。崩れるのは時間の問題が一目瞭然でしょう。
3    写真(2)の左上山を登る山道。その両脇にある木がしっかり傾いているのも分かる。これは何処にも問題ないと判断してしまう「専門家」がいれば、その人の免許を取り消すべきでしょう。


* ブログの掲載することを町の「防災連絡窓口」や町長にもお知らせします。